API & INTEGRATION SUPPORT We provide easy integration APIs for your LMS or Platform. Charged on a Pay - as - you - Go model. 24/7 SUPPORT 24/7 quick support team on standby to support your needs. Whether it is a technical or sales query, we love to support LOGIN AUTHENTICATION Based on the examinee's photo ID with the institute, examinee can get verified live through state - of - the - art face r ecogn i tion and f a ce m a tc h . AI PROCTORING Intermittent Face R ecog n i tion, M u l ti F ace Logging, No Face Logging, Camera Hiding Logging Online Examination Platform s
Contacts Atrium on 5th, 9th Floor, 5th Street, Sandton, Johannesburg, Gauteng 2196 Tel: +27 10 003 0727 Email: info@erisnlms.com
API & INTEGRATION SUPPORT We provide easy integration APIs for your LMS or Platform. Charged on a Pay - as - you - Go model. LOGIN AUTHENTICATION Based on the examinee's photo ID with the institute, examinee can get verified live through state - of - the - art face r ecogn i tion and f a ce m a tc h . Online Examination Platform s
24/7 SUPPORT 24/7 quick support team on  standby to support  your  needs. Whether it is a technical or sales query, we love to support AI PROCTORING Intermittent Face R ecog n i tion, M u l ti F ace Logging, No Face Logging,  Camera  Hiding Logging